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Building A Life We Love: Why We Feel Behind

Wendyy Nguyen

This month I came across a really great video by Ali Abdaal "My honest advice to someone who feels behind in life". It resonated with feelings I've had for a while—feeling "behind" in life, stuck, and living a life I am not loving. This feeling actually stems from something very simple - acting out of alignment with the best version of ourselves or who/where we want to be. This will be part 1 of a 3-part newsletter series called "Building a Life We Love". This newsletter will focus on the Ideal Day and the Ideal Week - the next two blog posts will be about "The Power of a Morning Routine" and "A Healthy Foundational Evening Routine".


As humans, we are always striving to be the best version of ourselves and living the most fulfilling life we can but sometimes we just don't know where to start. The video shares three great questions that we can answer in just 15 minutes.


  • What would a life that you actually love look like?

  • What would an ideal day look like for you?

  • What would an ideal week look like for you? What activities would you prioritise your week?


After answering these three questions, look back through how you are actually spending your time and what your days actually look like and notice the discrepancies.


Is the best version of ourselves going for a quick walk in the morning but we're on our phone scrolling instead? Are we wanting to spend more time reading but find ourselves watching TV instead? Try tracking your daily activities—you might even time them to see how those minutes add up, especially on your phone. Create "barriers to entry" for habits you want to reduce (like keeping your phone off in the morning to encourage that walk). Take small, consistent steps each day—start with just one—to move yourself closer to where or who you want to be.


In the process, it's important to acknowledge, accept and be happy with where you currently are and move towards where you want to be in a non-judgmental way (without comparing yourself to others). As cliche as it sounds "enjoy the journey as much as the destination".

I am creating the life of my dreams - motivational quote.





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Nature Designs by Wendy Logo.
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